根据外媒The Verge的报道,有关下一代Nintendo Switch(或称Switch 2)的消息正在逐渐浮出水面。 最近,一位Reddit用户NextHandheld声称自己“来自未来”并且接触到了Switch ...
Christmas week has arrived, and it brought tons of fantastic new deals with it. You can score a huge discount on renewed ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 could be far more powerful than most expect. A developer claimed that the console’s hardware is 'very ...
Many expect a super strong lineup of titles at the launch of Nintendo Switch 2, but how big can things really get?
This is according to DFC Intelligence, which released its annual market report and forecast last week (via VGC ). The firm ...
New Nintendo Switch 2 hardware rumors allege the forthcoming handheld may be capable of running triple-A games when it ...
Nintendo Switch is something truly magical that gave gamers that best of a gaming handheld and home console. Does Nintendo ...
近日,来自外媒The Verge的报道引起了广泛关注,该媒体声称已经证实了网友“NextHandheld”所泄露的Switch 2真机信息,可信度极高。这一消息不仅为期待已久的任天堂Switch 2增添了色彩,也给了玩家们一丝关于未来主机体验的新希望 ...
Nintendo Switch 2 is going to have more games at launch than the Nintendo Switch had, according to a new report about the console.
We’ve seen dummy consoles hit the scene, but one Redditor going by ‘NextHandheld’ shared tons of details, including a look at ...
任天堂旗下的Nintendo Switch游戏机在美国市场取得了历史性突破,最新数据显示其销量已攀升至4660万台。这一里程碑式的成就,使Switch成功超越了昔日的霸主PlayStation 2,跃居美国历史上第二大畅销游戏主机的宝座。
近日,任天堂的下一代游戏机Nintendo Switch 2疑似被一家配件制造商Satisfye提前曝光。在一次现已删除的广告中,Satisfye展示了一款可能适配于新一代Switch的手柄轮廓,这一消息迅速引发了数码爱好者和游戏玩家的广泛关注。