PFL puts on the most fights in its existence in 2024, and because of that, the odds of a memorable scrap unfolding went up.
UFC的顶级擂台 UFC是许多格斗选手梦寐以求的终极舞台,但通往这个舞台的路途并非平坦。绝大部分选手需经历多年磨炼,才能在这片竞争激烈的土地上立足。UFC通过选秀和地区性赛事发现新秀,但主要还是吸纳那些在其他赛事中表现优异的成熟选手。这样的筛选机制保证了UFC擂台上高手云集,竞争异常激烈。
PFL:更接近传统体育联赛的赛制 与UFC不同,PFL采用类似于传统体育联赛的赛制。每个赛季,选手们在常规赛中进行一系列交锋,依据胜负和比赛结果得分。积分最高的选手进入季后赛,争夺当年的PFL冠军。这种赛季制的设置,尤其对年轻选手来说,意味着即使失利仍有机会通过后续比赛来逆转局势。PFL的这种模式,既让选手有更多机会展示自我,又能让观众持续关注选手的成长历程。
PFL founder Donn Davis responded to backlash from the Bellator roster this week, quickly leading to a response from Patricio ...
Bellator MMA featherweight kingpin, Patricio Pitbull has grown tiresome with an alleged lack of traction on a PFL ...
Current PFL titleholder and former UFC heavyweight king Francis Ngannou has shared his pick for the boxing rematch between ...
PFL Founder and Chairman Donn Davis sat down with Newsweek Sports to discuss the expansion plans for the PFL in 2025 and how ...
四位前UFC重量级冠军加入GLF赛事中国女将丁苗加入GFL赛事武者网讯 继PFL之后又一新MMA综合格斗赛事横空出世,GFL(Global Fight League)全球格斗联盟宣布成立,明年4月开赛。GFL赛事创始人达伦·欧文(Darren ...
The upcoming year needs to be a big one for the PFL. From expanding events to potentially dropping the Bellator brand, here are some things to monitor.
一个全新的MMA赛事组织诞生,并且直接签下了9位前UFC冠军你敢信?近日,The Global Fight League(简称GFL)赛事宣布成立,其选手名单上也可谓是群星闪耀。这其中拿到过UFC冠军的选手就有9位之多,其中包括:“面粉”泰伦·伍德利 ...
The PFL is hosting the PFL European Championships today live from Lyon, France. The card will crown four new champions in the ...