NorthWestern Energy Group has signed a Letter of Intent to provide power for an undisclosed data center developer in Montana, ...
Courtesy Werner Slocum / National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The new system would generate 50MW of solar energy, which is enough to power nearly 36,000 homes in one year. The project also ...
ITM Power is pleased to announce that we have been selected as the technology provider and awarded a Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) contract for a 50MW green hydrogen production site in the ...
Duos Edge AI will deploy the four 50MW data centers at the Pampa Energy Center, while Duos Energy will along with Fortress ...
2019年,鲁能海西州多能互补集成优化国家示范工程在格尔木全部并网发电,总装机容量70万千瓦的,成为世界上首个集风光热储调荷于一体的多能互补科技创新项目。今年7月,世界海拔最高的风机叶片制造基地暨绿色氢能创新基地在格尔木市开工建设,建成投产后年配套风 ...
The electricity will be supplied by Malaysia's Tenaga Nasional Berhad to Singapore through Sembcorp Power Pte Ltd ...
建设规模:哈萨克斯坦阿尔卡雷克50MW风电项目位于哈萨克斯坦科斯塔奈州南部的阿尔卡雷克市,距离州府科斯塔奈市460公里,距离首都阿斯塔纳市 ...