美国媒体对于全球各个层面的排行榜五花八门,对于居于全球第一的军事领域尤其热衷。最近颇有名气的美国《世界现代军用飞机名录》在2024年全球空军排名中,将中国解放军空军排名全球第7,甚至落后于排名第6的印度。这份榜单在网上引爆吐槽大会,陆媒则评论称:简直 ...
The ADF has confirmed the People's Liberation Army-Navy vessel illuminated an ADF aircraft with a laser, which it says "endangers lives". Source: Australian Government 澳大利亚总理莫里森 ...
航空爱好者TaskForce23的X平台(Twtter),在10月6日发表一张奇特造型的飞机照片,据称是在莫哈韦航太港(Mojave Air and Space Port)附近拍摄到的。这架白色的小飞机有着一对大型的前翼,双尾机身,不对称的单边进气口 ...
75年,  沧海桑田,换了人间。▲1深圳渔民村:过去现在上图:20世纪80年代初的深圳渔民村。下图:2024年,渔民村鸟瞰。Shenzhen Fishermen’s Village: Past PresentUpper pic: Aerial ...
辽宁舰航母编队位台岛以东参加“联合利剑-2024B”演习Liaoning Aircraft Carrier Group Participates in “Joint Sword-2024B” Drills in Areas to the East ...
与此同时,昨日,台湾士林地方法院驳回了 今年6月9日驾船闯台 中国籍男子阮芳勇 的保释申请。合议庭认为,该男子具有逃亡能力,仍有羁押的必要,因此裁定驳回此人的申请。
SeniorCaptain Li Xi, spokesperson of the PLA Eastern Theater Command: On October 14, thePLA Eastern Theater Command is ...
2024国庆档大片火热来袭!据网络平台实时数据,截至10月1日9时2分2024年国庆档新片票房(含点映及预售)突破3亿元!《志愿军:存亡之战》《749局》《浴火之路》分列国庆档新片票房榜前三位。今年国庆档,从国产佳作到进口大片、从爆笑喜剧到灾难科幻、 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- The so-called Quad mechanism has become a sheer political tool for the United States to contain China and maintain its hegemony, a Chinese military spokesperson said on ...
At least six people were injured Sunday night after a huge blast near the Jinnah International Airport in Pakistan's southern ...
BEIJING, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- U.S. military assistance to the Taiwan region, regardless of the amount, will not sway in the slightest China's resolve to oppose "Taiwan independence" and safeguard ...