泰国警方在曼谷开展的清除乞丐行动中逮捕了12名泰国和外国乞丐。一名泰国乞丐被发现随身携带着超过30万泰铢的现金,而其银行账户更是有高达100万泰铢的余额。 图:警方在曼谷打击乞丐的行动中,从一名乞丐身上缴获了总计311,300 ...
A recent survey has identified five intersections in Bangkok which suffer from the worst traffic congestion during the ...
Kalpana Asok, is a licensed marriage and family therapist, a 1993 graduate alumna of SCU, and she is a practicing psychotherapist in the Bay Area. She works with adults in her independent practice, ...
If any of the displayed information needs updating, please click here. For concerns or queries regarding the information, feel free to email us. Medindia Constantly updates the database. However ...
A man has admitted murdering his wife and their two children. Anju Asok, 35, Jeeva Saju, six, and Janvi Saju, four, were found with serious injuries at Saju Chelavalel's home in Kettering on 15 ...