The second session is all about clowning around! Dressing up as clowns and doing lots of silly clown walks, there is also a comedy custard pie splatting sequence and a final circus skills performance.
Two dance sessions based on familiar clown movements and circus skills ... comedy custard pie splatting sequence and a final circus skills performance.
A performance arts group ... The terminology "circus school" may conjure up an image of Homer Simpson enrolling to Krusty's Clown College but in reality it is a phrase that entered the mainstream ...
Bloom followed in his parents’ humanitarian footsteps, albeit obliquely: He trained as a clown, performing with ... troupe in Afghanistan that featured circus arts to teach lessons about health ...
4. Pattinson said he recently rewatched a 2011 interview he did with Matt Lauer on the Today show, during which he told Lauer, 66, he'd once seen a clown die during a circus — a made-up anecdote ...