What is Classical Liberal History? Edited by Michael J ... That is, as the brilliant philosopher and economist James Otteson has noted repeatedly, if you believe in human liberty, you have ...
I operate on the assumption that the primary reason for the continuing relevance of classical liberal thought is the widely held view that it is the philosophical inspiration for the neoliberal ...
However, classical liberal economists think the Fed is unnecessary and that its interventions distort markets. This, in turn, yields negative economic and financial consequences. In fact ...
Most recently Professor Estelle has undertaken work bridging the principles of traditional Christian teaching and classical liberal economics and especially applying the lessons of economics to the ...
The Mises Institute is the world’s largest, oldest, and most influential educational institution devoted to promoting Austrian economics, freedom, and peace in the tradition of classical liberalism.
In addition to economic freedom ... perspective. And yet, classical liberal values like individual liberty, private property, free enterprise, and limited constitutional government were not ...