The gem, known as the Bahia Emerald, was discovered in a Brazilian mine and later smuggled into the U.S., where it eventually ...
For two decades, the 836-pound Bahia Emerald has wreaked havoc on the lives of smugglers, schemers and dreamers. Now, it is ...
Walton said that a request by the American and Brazilian governments to return the emerald to its native country can move forward, brushing aside pleas from a consortium of U.S. gem spectators ...
Yet the mystery of who rightfully owns the emerald, a highly debated topic, could be coming to an end, after a federal court ruling last week set in motion the gem’s repatriation to Brazil.
On Thursday, a federal judge ruled in favor of a US Department of Justice motion to forfeit the gem to Brazil. The emerald was discovered in a beryl mine in 2001 and later smuggled out of the ...
The Bahia Emerald is not a single gem but consists of nine dazzling crystals ... have temporarily possessed the stone and suffered no dark twists of fate, sees no reason to fear the emerald.