Paul Locher explains how early settlers of Ohio country would have harvested corn, detailing the tools they would have used.
Corn is an easy crop to grow, but timing is key when it comes to harvesting it at the peak of sweetness. The cobs are ready to be harvested about 20 days after the silk appears. However ...
Down corn hurts, but it hurts more if you’re not mindful at harvest. Avoid losing kernels as much as possible with these steps. 1.Slow the combine travel speed. The faster you go the less likely ...
There are discrete steps to set a combine to minimize grain loss and damage when harvesting corn, including: 1. Set concave-to-rotor clearance to the average diameter of shelled cobs from the ...
Brazilian corn producers could see record corn productivity in their summer season following favorable weather in growing ...
The maximum capacity of a tower silo filled with corn silage is achieved when the moisture is between 60 and 65%. The best way to manage moisture content of corn silage is to harvest at the proper ...
Corn Harvest Quality Report, the 14th such annual survey published globally today, the 2024 U.S. corn crop is projected to be ...
LEBANON — The Town of Lebanon is currently accepting sealed bids for corn and hay harvesting leases on town-owned land and ...
A Three Sisters Garden is one of the most popular Native American gardening techniques that involves growing corn, beans, and squash together in a mutually beneficial arrangement. It’s many ...
This year, Brazil will produce 114.7 million tons of corn, a 31.7% jump compared to the previous harvest season Brazil is forecasted to break another crop record in 2022 with the largst grain ...
The harvest is expected to reach 102.4 million tons, a 10% increase compared to the previous cycle, according to estimates released this week by Rally da Safra As the harvest of soybeans has taken ...