It is a non-commercial, research code developed as part of an effort to improve our fundamental understanding of flood hydraulics, flood inundation prediction and flood risk assessment. LISFLOOD-FP ...
A hydrograph shows two graphs – a bar chart showing rainfall and a line graph showing discharge from before, during, and after the rain storm. As you can see in the graph below, the peak ...
Based on a review of literature pertaining to flood risk, the research team summarizes the reduced accuracy of bathtub models using the critical success index, which scores flood extent accuracy ...
Research in the Hydrology group is multifaceted and follows four broad themes: flooding and flood risk (FloodLab Group); dryland hydroclimatology and Earth surface processes (Dryland Research Group); ...
Reliable models of flood risk are needed to effectively engage impacted communities in adaptation processes and to implement effective and equitable mitigation and adaptation strategies ...