Renaissance: The Blood and The Beauty explores the lives of three rival artists - Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael – who created seductively beautiful works of art during an age of violence and ...
The life story of Leonardo (1452–1519), one of history’s most extraordinary intellects and artistic geniuses, always stirs ...
The Rising of Painting, 1300-1350” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York are movie stills and posters. They ...
Here are five Renaissance masterpieces among the 160 drawings on display now at Buckingham Palace, celebrating the art of ...
Even in his own time, the 15th century, the Italian Renaissance, Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci ... the fresco of "The Last Supper" and the oil painting "Mona Lisa." The Burns documentary places him ...
The Italian Renaissance painter and intellectual ... figure about which Ken Burns has spent his career making seminal documentary films. Yet, more so than any of his previous subjects, the ...
Several experts said there is credible evidence this painting is by the Italian Renaissance master Caravaggio ... culture ministry there was "sufficient documentary and stylistic evidence to ...