At El Santo from now until October 31, it is RMB10 Frozen Margaritas and Coronas from 4-5pm, then RMB20 5-6pm, and RMB30 from 6-7pm. Head to Bella Vita from October 25 to November 2 for a 'Mystery Tas ...
Located in the heart of Guangzhou at Party Pier, CAGES Sports & Restaurant offers the perfect setting for this thrilling ...
笔墨纸砚是中国古代文人书房当中必备的宝贝,被称为“文房四宝”。用笔墨书写绘画在中国可追溯到五千年前。秦时已用不同硬度的毛和竹管制笔;汉代以人工制墨替代了天然墨;有了纸张以后,简牍锦帛逐失其用;砚台则随笔墨的使用而发展。 “文房四宝”到宋朝以后特指湖笔、徽墨、宣纸、端砚。可以说文房四宝书写了整个中华文明。