10 Sounds Owls Make and What Each Means (It’s Not Just Hoot!) Story by Crystal ... As creatures of the night, owls heavily rely on vocal cues to navigate their environment, communicate with ...
5. Owls have extremely acute hearing, developed because they largely hunt at night. The Great Grey Owl can locate its rodent prey, hidden beneath 2 feet of snow, from a distance of half a mile away.
Tweaking sleeping habits can shift people's body clocks and improve their wellbeing, say scientists in the UK and Australia. They focused on "night owls", whose bodies drive them to stay up late ...
Researchers scanned the brains of night owls with a bedtime of 02:30 and a wake time of 10:15, along with early risers. The tests - performed between 08:00 and 20:00 - found night owls had less ...