They look oh so simple but scan around any gym floor and you’ll see poor plank form. Here’s how to master the plank correctly, once and for all. Forget fancy gym equipment and tech ...
There are numerous versions of the plank, but its basic form involves balancing on your toes and forearms while holding your body off the ground. A plank may seem daunting, especially if you are ...
There are many aesthetic dividends to adding the plank to your training program, including a flatter stomach, leaner profile, and more defined abs. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of ...
A staple of many core workouts, most runners will be familiar with the side plank exercise. But you may be surprised to learn that it's one of the best exercises you can do for working your deep core.
In fact, research in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy found that athletes with poor core strength (as measured by tests like side plank) have a higher risk of lower-back pain.
Luckily, with training, deadlifts can let you load the spine and hips (which are prone to osteoporosis) with more than your own body weight. After each lift, cells called osteoblasts fill in any ...