Shrek The Musical is based on the story and characters from William Steig's book Shrek!, as well as the DreamWorks Animation film Shrek, the first chapter of the popular movie series. It features ...
Set in a mythical “once upon a time” sort of land, Shrek the Musical is the story of a hulking green ogre who, after being mocked and feared his entire life by anything that crosses his path ...
When a green ogre named Shrek discovers his swamp has been 'swamped' with all sorts of fairytale creatures by the scheming Lord Farquaad, Shrek sets out with a very loud donkey by his side to ...
I love this so much. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. It was the craziest thing: I went to the premiere of Saving Private ...