菲律宾国防部长吉尔贝托·特奥多罗(Gilberto Teodoro)星期一(10月14日)表示,菲律宾对中国就《南中国海行为准则》进行谈判的意图表示怀疑,尽管马尼拉期待继续进行讨论。 特奥多罗表示,虽然菲律宾总统费迪南德·小马科斯(Ferdinand ...
这些中国船只一拥而上,对菲律宾船只形成严密封锁。 在最近的冲突中,中国经常使用高压水枪。 Sources: Armed Forces of the Philippines; Philippine Coast Guard; China Coast Guard; Reuters; Storyful 中国坐拥世界上船只数量最多的海军,在过去一年里向这些有争议的水域部署了比 ...
The aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) is sailing through the disputed South China Sea in the latest display of America's military might. Source: AAP 国防部的声明称 ...
Territorial wrangling over who owns the South China Sea has strangled local marine life, say scientists, urging China and the Philippines to set aside political differences and work to save the fish, ...
121. China is an important force for maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. It abides by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and is committed to ...
黄岩岛(民主礁),国际通称Scarborough Shoal,位于北纬15度07分,东经117度51分,距离海南岛500海里、西沙群岛340海里、中沙大环礁160海里,与菲律宾苏比克湾相距126海里,中间隔深达5400米的马尼拉海沟。
编者按:近日,印度中国经济文化促进会秘书长穆罕默德·萨奇布在“金砖国家与多极世界2024对话会”上发言指出,金砖国家在构建新型多边机制方面存在的主要问题是缺乏政治意愿、缺乏明确的合作重点和有效的解决机制。需要中国作为领导者,促进成员国之间更多的互动与 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- China's first independently developed and independently built ultra-deepwater gas field, Shenhai Yihao, also known as Deep Sea No.1, has recorded an accumulated natural ...
The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday organized its troops of army, navy, air ...