祥翊(6676)今(16)日表示,开发中抗癌用药TMN-T及溃疡性结肠炎用药MSL-T已于本月先后与S公司签订美国市场专属授权合约。祥翊可依这2项药物的开发进度,收取签约金与阶段里程碑金等合计达260万美元(约新台币8,320万元) ...
In response to the challenge, the carriers and international standards bodies have defined a solution called the Telecommunications Management Network (TMN), which consists of a series of interrelated ...
RESIDENTS of Taman Kepong in Kuala Lumpur have received RM100,000 worth of upgrades to their community park. Read full story ...
THE long arm of the law caught up with a stubborn trader who had operated an illegal eatery, for years, on a public walkway ...