X-Men: The Animated Series is celebrated as one of the greatest animated shows ever, with captivating storytelling and themes ...
X-Men: The Animated Series is widely remembered as a groundbreaking show, particularly for how it handled complex, emotional ...
X-Men’97 creator Beau DeMayo isn’t holding back with his feelings about Marvel’s What If…? Season 3. In a new set of social media reaction posts, DeMayo wrote “#whatif season 3 yikes just yikes”. He ...
To me, my X-Men... WhatCulture is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab).
For all of these reasons, and so many more, X-Men ’97 was the ComicBook staff’s pick for the best animated TV show of 2024. The series was a big swing for Disney+, and it delivered in a way ...