Giant pandas Xingqiu and Yilan have arrived in Adelaide, capital of South Australia, early Sunday morning, after flying for ...
Upon their arrival, the three pandas – Tian Bao, Bao Di and Bao Mei – were sent to the China Conservation and Research Center ...
2024年12月8日,上海国际赛车场。这一天,对于无数骑行爱好者来说,将是一个充满激情和力量的日子。由上海市自行车运动协会、嘉定区体育局指导,捷安特(昆山)有限公司和上海鸿鲸体育发展有限公司主办,上海瀚砺体育文化发展有限公司运营的2024 GIANT&HEROS骑行盛典,即将在这里隆重举行。
12月8日,2024 GIANT&HEROS骑行盛典在上海国际赛车场圆满落幕。这场备受关注的骑行赛事吸引了来自世界各地的近5000名骑行爱好者。作为积极推动中国体育产业及自行车运动发展的CST正新轮胎,正新以其专业程度和创新精神受邀参与。
A giant panda is pictured at Ocean Park Hong Kong in Hong Kong, south China, Dec. 8, 2024. Giant pandas "An An" and "Ke Ke" gifted by the central government to the Hong Kong Special Administrative ...