The blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.
BibSonomy Genealogy creates a genealogy of research at German universities based on user inputs. It is based on the dissertation catalog of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB). Users enter linkages ...
The blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.
BibSonomy helps you to organize your scientific work. Use BibSonomy to collect publications and bookmarks, to collaborate with your colleagues, and to discover interesting researches for your daily ...
UNESCO, International Symposium ‘Translation and Cultural Mediation’, February 22-23, 2010 Johan Heilbron ...
La historia de la diversidad lingü\'ıstica de Hispanoamérica refleja una progresiva minorización de las lenguas ind\'ıgenas, si bien durante los últimos años estas han recuperado prestigio y presencia ...
This free service allows you to view deleted YouTube files!
The natural complexity of ecological communities regularly lures ecologists to collect elaborate data sets in which confounding factors are often present. Although multiple regression is commonly used ...
BibSonomy helps you to organize your scientific work. Use BibSonomy to collect publications and bookmarks, to collaborate with your colleagues, and to discover interesting researches for your daily ...
Natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, machine translation, reading comprehension, and summarization, are typically approached with supervised learning on taskspecific datasets ...