雾霾的危害,估计很多童鞋都很清楚了:PM2.5这类可吸入颗粒物,会随着呼吸进入肺泡等器官,造成身体氧化应激、炎症损伤等代谢障碍反应! 甚至会累及心血管系统、神经系统、免疫系统、生殖系统等等。 而且雾霾还可能导致你更容易变胖!
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
全球环境领导人们正在评估急剧下降的生物多样性水平以及各国保护动植物和重要栖息地的承诺。 为期两周的联合国生物多样性大会(COP16)是2022年蒙特利尔会议的后续会议,在那次会议上,196 个国家签署了保护生物多样性的历史性全球条约。
The last few weeks will be remembered as a historic turning point in global efforts to regulate the digital economy. In the past few days alone, we’ve seen the beginning of the third US vs Google ...