There is a cul­ture of bul­ly­ing in T&T that has to change, Tabaquite MP Ani­ta Haynes-Al­leyne said yes­ter­day.
A spe­cial re­serve po­lice of­fi­cer who was on sus­pen­sion was killed in a dri­ve-by shoot­ing in San Juan on Sat­ur­day night.
“It is your du­ty as a po­lice of­fi­cer to take ac­tion and to in­ves­ti­gate. You are held ac­count­able by the Do­mes­tic Vi­o­lence Act. Take ac­tion, go out and in­ves­ti­gate. Do your job and ...
When he saw his moth­er be­ing chopped to death, a teenag­er tried to fend off the at­tack­er with a stick be­fore even­tu­al­ly flee­ing with his sev­en-year-old broth­er to beg neigh­bours for help.
The Law As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T (LATT) has dis­tanced it­self from claims made by one of its mem­bers, Is­rael Khan SC, at its In­au­gur­al Law Con­fer­ence last week.
In a state­ment yes­ter­day, Pres­i­dent of the Ch­agua­nas Cham­ber of In­dus­try and Com­merce Bal­dath Ma­haraj de­scribed the re­cent spate of kid­nap­pings in cen­tral Trinidad, in­clud­ing the ...
Scoon has heaped praise on lo­cal man­u­fac­tur­er SM Jaleel for con­tribut­ing to T&T’s ex­ports over the 100 years of its ex­is­tence.
On Oc­to­ber 1, a par­tial skele­ton, be­lieved to be the re­mains of 19-year-old Maria Paul, was found buried near a house on Bab­wah Trace, Bar­bu­da Road, Waller­field. Paul was last seen alive on ...
Liam Ra­jku­mar of Freeport Pres­by­ter­ian re­ceived the top award of most out­stand­ing pupil when the Pres­by­ter­ian Pri­ma­ry Schools Board of Ed­u­ca­tion held their 2024 Awards Func­tion on ...
To­ba­go record­ed its 25th mur­der yes­ter­day when a man was found dead on a beach be­hind the ANR Robin­son In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port run­way.
Di­vali Na­gar will cost $6 mil­lion this year with just over $600,000 to be spent on po­lice, se­cu­ri­ty, fire and am­bu­lance ser­vices.
Cen­tral Trinidad record­ed its third kid­nap­ping in four months on Sat­ur­day night when 33-year-old busi­ness­man Su­vesh “Cook­sie” Ram­nar­ine was ab­duct­ed from Robs Bar in Cunu­pia by five men ...