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This chart shows how many people in a selection of countries said that 2024 and previous years have been bad for their ...
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This chart shows the number of Syrian refugees and asylum seekers by country before the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime.
Despite more American brands ranking high among the best-selling battery-electric vehicle (BEV) brands in the United States, the U.S. electric vehicle market heavily depends on Tesla's sales.
In terms of when weddings happened, the vast majority in England and Wales took place on a Saturday, with approximately 107,543 weddings taking place on this day. Fridays were the second most ...
This chart shows the number of people entering the EU legally and number of those registered entering irregularly, by year.
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× Zoomable Statistic: Select the range in the chart you want to zoom in on.
Statista is a n. 1 business platform in the world, a leading provider of market and consumer data. Founded in 2007 in Germany, it has approximately 700 employees in its offices in Hamburg, London ...
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While the German industry faced challenges at home, it maintained a positive trade balance in the decade. In 2023, Germany topped the rankings as the leading global exporter of passenger cars and ...