L’Opéra de Rennes et le musée des Beaux-Arts accueillent le travail photographique de Claire Chevrier du 15 octobre au 20 ...
De la préhistoire aux marais salants, la rédaction de Bretagne Magazine a choisi des musées à visiter et des expositions ...
画中游出自乾隆帝的梦境,在《颐和园趣闻》中曾记录,乾隆梦醒之后,依据梦中景致画下画卷,并取名“画中游”,这是一处极具山地特色的园中园。它的亭柱巧妙地构成了画幅的画框,游人仿佛置身于山水画卷之中。The Dream Within the ...
Recently, long queues of tourists' cars in the Twelve Slopes are like dragons flying in the Twelve-turn Hillside in the Tu ...
“秋风送爽果实熟,金黄满地丰收忙。”秋天是个硕果累累收获的季节,橙黄、橘绿、柿红、稻香,是人们劳动的成果,也是大自然的慷慨馈赠。 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子!对于这个丰收的季节,人们怀以满满的希望与喜爱之情,创造了许多美好的词汇来形容它、赞美它。
芒砀山位于河南省永城市,自古为华夏名山,与中国历史上的许多名人紧密地联系在一起。据说,这里曾是汉高祖刘邦斩蛇起义的地方,也是在这里,刘邦开创了大汉的基业。Mangdang Mountain is located in Yongcheng, Henan ...
On one side are lush green mountains, and on the other side is the azure sea. As vehicles cross the Nan'ao Bridge and enter ...
Approximately two months after the conclusion of the Paris Olympic Games, Chinese people's enthusiasm for sports is driving ...
With the arrival of autumn, the city of Guangzhou in South China welcomes the beautiful season. In this season, SilkRoadPost ...
穿上绣工精湛、款式典雅的汉服,他们化身英姿飒爽的锦衣卫、楚楚动人的名门闺秀、温文尔雅的翩翩公子,在岭南园林的古风美景中款款走开,定睛一看,这么亮眼的他们,竟有着一张张洋面孔。“穿上汉服,我感觉自己变成了一个小公主”,来自美国的小姑娘Ariana ...