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Reality has finally caught up to his masterpiece. By Alexander Nazaryan “I get real geek joy out of learning something new,” says the imprint’s vice president and publisher. She’s proud ...
An FDA panel’s decision that phenylephrine is not an effective decongestant applies only to oral medications. The drug is still considered effective in nasal sprays. It was the first time the Thaad ...
A couple found plenty of sunlight in their new house in Chicago. All that was needed was the added “coolness.” The car-centric architectural style, characterized by neon signs and dramatic ...
2026 DA62 SurveyStar delivery position available, provided by Air Bear Tactical Aircraft. Welcome to the best-in-class aerial survey platform flying today. With its high payload capacity and safe & ...
new powertrains. The standard engine is a turbocharged 2.4-liter i-Force engine, but an i-Force MAX hybrid powertrain is also available. You might think the hybrid powertrain is the one to pick ...