Mushrooms are fascinating organisms that play a vital role in ecosystems. While some varieties are sought after for th ...
Mushrooms, with their magical structures, are everywhere. They appear in nature, on green grass outside our homes and in ...
Swiss scientists at Empa have made glow-in-the-dark wood, thanks to a bioluminescent Desarmillaria tabescens honey fungus. In research published on September 12, wood samples were combined with the ...
Swiss scientists at Empa have made glow-in-the-dark wood, thanks to a bioluminescent Desarmillaria tabescens honey fungus. In research published on September 12, wood samples were combined with ...
To achieve the breakthrough, they combined balsa with a bioluminescent fungus. The innovative material uses white rot fungus D. tabescens to create a sustainable light source. Honey fungus produces ...
Only get lost while having fun, not on the road!
tabescen / Schwarze et al. After testing different bioluminescent mushrooms, project head Francis Schwarze came to discover that the honey fungus turned out to be a particularly powerful producer ...
The World Beekeeping Awards have announced that there will not be any prizes for honey next year because of concerns about fraud in the global supply chain. It'll be the first time that the ...
Oh, Honey, is this really something that you should be taking? There appears to be a new sex trend among college students—the use of “honey packets” for sexual enhancement. This buzz behind ...