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The Nigerian Army on Sunday commenced the 2025 Lt. to Capt. practical promotion ... by experienced officers. “The top-performing officers will be rewarded with Certificates of Excellence and ...
Reforms are underway to create tri-service theatre commands. From 1 April, the Army’s lieutenant generals will have an additional hoop to jump through before they can be promoted. Among the bold ...
Gunner Jaysley Beck was described as the ‘epitome’ of the kind of person to have in the Army (Family Handout/PA) The senior officer also refused to answer whether he had been drunk ...
"The Army designed the Command Assessment Program (CAP) to make officer selection for key command assignments as fair and objective as possible," Col. Randee Farrell, a spokesperson for Army ...
In short, the Seven Core Army Values listed below are what being a Soldier is all about. Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers.
After months of investigation into claims of bias and cheating in the promotion process, the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) is set to resume officer promotions. Superintendent Anne ...
WEST JEFFERSON, Ohio (WSYX) — An Army officer who died in an accident in the Washington, D.C., area is now home in West Jefferson. A motorcade of red, white, and blue slowly processed down Main ...