近年来,具身智能(Embodied Artificial ...
In Guangdong, how is general AI being established? What is the development of "AI+" across various industries? How can we ...
Theater is often regarded as one of the most powerful forms of human expression. Today, as we are going through ...
2024年10月15日,知名科技高等学府卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)宣布开设一项新硕士项目——人工智能系统管理硕士(Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Systems Management,简称AIM ...
随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,具身智能(Embodied Artificial ...
A new one-stop station dedicated to serving companies specializing in large-scale models, a hot topic in artificial ...
互联网科技的新前沿正以前所未有的速度推动着社会进步和发展。从人工智能到物联网再到量子计算等技术的不断突破和创新将为我们的生活带来更加便捷、智能和安全的体验。然而我们也应清醒地认识到任何技术的快速发展都伴随着挑战和风险。因此我们需要加强国际合作与交流(Strengthen international cooperation and ...
,贝莱德 (BLK.US)周二推出了两只新的积极管理型基金,以科技成长和人工智能为中心,加强了其ETF产品阵容。 贝莱德基本股票技术部门主管Tony Kim在一份声明中表示:“我们正处于一场智能革命的黎明。这些活跃的ETF可以帮助投资者抓住人工智能和先进技术的巨大和被忽视的投资机会。” ...
MOSCOW, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- BRICS leaders have issued a joint declaration covering a wide range of issues from the reform of the United Nations (UN) to ongoing global conflicts, following the ...
作者:周源/华尔街见闻“GenAI+”(生成式人工智能:Generative Artificial ...
2024年9月,美国国家地理空间情报局 (NGA)启动了地理空间情报 (GEOINT)AI模型认证 (A-GAIM)项目。该项目是美国政府迄今以来规模最大的人工智能 ...
在深圳罗湖水贝,一个以黄金珠宝产业集聚而闻名于全国的地点,也曾遭遇传统产业转型升级瓶颈期。2023年,面对黄金珠宝行业逐渐暴露出的设计周期长、创新能力有限、运营成本高昂、消费者个性化需求未被满足等问题,珠宝管家自主研发推出AI个性化推荐及溯源系统,为 ...