The Gundam franchise has captivated anime fans across generations with its iconic giant robots tearing across battlefields ...
Dec. 18, 2024 — Scientists have spotted a massive black hole in the early universe that is 'napping' after stuffing itself with too much food. Like a bear gorging itself on salmon before ...
There are several cool and iconic robots and mecha in anime, with many of these these mechanical creatures recognizable to fans all across the world.
Footage shows a Maine Coon cat's rapid growth in a series of videos. A pet owner documented his cat's transformation from ...
Marvel’s “What If …?” will be releasing its final season over the holidays. The show was built as a “Loki” spinoff but became ...
Mashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company.
Goichi Suda, otherwise known as Suda51, has been one of the gaming industry’s few true auteurs. His calling card is imbuing ...
There are 241 results, Your applied filters are, colour black, ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@洋山芋游戏于12月22日发布,转载请标明出处!】 艾尔登法环 ELDEN RING 原价298现价178.8平史低 好评率92% 有中文/可多人 1.3截止 消逝的光芒2:重装上阵版 Dying light 2 stay human 原价198现价79.2平史低 好评率79% 有中文/可多人 1.3截止 博德之门3 Baldur‘s ...