If you're playing soccer and you tear a muscle, you need to rest it, and it heals," said Hesham Sadek, MD, Ph.D., director of the Sarver Heart Center and chief of the Division of Cardiology at the ...
Few people with artificial hearts (left ventricular assist devices, or LVADs) can regenerate heart muscle. A team at the Sarver Heart Center at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in ...
An international research team has found that heart muscle can regenerate after failure in some patients with artificial hearts. Co-led by Dr. Hesham Sadek of the University of Arizona College of ...
You will be redirected to our submission process. KCNQ-encoded Kv7 channels regulate cellular function in the heart, brain, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and epithelia. Since they were originally ...
NEW YORK: Heart muscle can regenerate after failure in some people with artificial hearts, an international research team has found. The team co-led by a physician-scientist at the University of ...
New York: Heart muscle can regenerate after failure in some people with artificial hearts, an international research team has found. The team co-led by a physician-scientist at the University of ...