Recently, the Forbidden City has been at the center of a debate following an incident involving American designer Rick Owens.
以美国为例,美国用户平均每天在TikTok上花费的时间长达两小时,大大高于传统电商平台。TikTok公布了上线美区一年后的增长数据,内容场GMV增速高达557%,美区有动销的电商达人书每个季度均保持70%以上的增长,日支付用户数增长超3倍,截至8月份 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
周二,Abercrombie & Fitch公司前CEO麦克·杰弗里斯在佛罗里达州被捕。他被指控从事性交易,并利用其在该时尚服装公司的高位,强迫男性发生性关系,以换取为该品牌做模特的机会。
In 1995, Bill Gates, in his book, The Road Ahead, made a prescient prediction about the full digitalization of the future ...