"To Effectively Discuss Evolution, First Define 'Theory'" (R. Lewis, The Scientist, May 12, 1997, page 13) is pretty good advice. Even better, however, is to first define "evolution." The article uses ...
In the article "To Effectively Discuss Evolution, First Define 'Theory'" in the May 12 issue of The Scientist (R. Lewis, page 13), it was stated that the term "theory of evolution" should be replaced ...
The thesis of Eytan Avital and Eva Jablonka's book is that the evolution of behavior cannot be accounted for by genes alone. Instead, they believe that learning creates a significant part of the ...
So it is with ecology: Evolution provides a canon by which we may better understand the interactions of organisms with their environments. In this section, we define evolution as it is understood ...
Understanding human evolution through the study of whale evolution Brief definition and history of mammals How did land-based mammals return to the sea? Fossils from "transitional species" trace ...