Art journaling is a powerful medium of expression that blends the beauty of drawing, painting, and writing to create personal stories. This artistic practice offers a safe space for individuals to ...
Untitled is the Miami-est of the major Miami art fairs, staged in an airy white tent on the beach. Visitors look up and see the silhouettes of seagull feet as the birds plop down on the roof ...
Your entries don’t need to be polished or even grammatical. In fact, journaling doesn’t always mean putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). The process can use visual formats instead, such as ...
The same guidelines apply to art fairs. Their organizers tend to group the brand-name galleries in the center of the shows, where larger displays and well-known artists dominate; around the edges ...
Nike purchased RTFKT — pronounced “artifact” — at a time when non-fungible tokens, or pieces of digital art, were all the buzz. The company was valued at $33 million when Nike purchased it.
Typically there's a visual element such as digital art, a video clip, or a digital trading card. Theoretically, it could be anything represented by 1s and 0s such as digital music recordings.
“Here’s a better angle,” Takashi Kudo, 47, one of the core members of the art collective, said as he guided a reporter tiptoeing through the rafters dozens of feet above the digital ...