Registering a trademark provides legal protection against misuse of any kind including infringement or copy of a company’s name or logo, which is often a company’s most valuable asset. It grants the ...
The University of Vermont central Drupal web publishing platform will be transitioning from Drupal 7 to a new platform using Drupal 10 throughout 2024. We are no longer accecpting new requests for ...
See Drupal’s security advisory policy for details. Be careful publicly disclosing security vulnerabilities! Use the “Report a security vulnerability” link in the project page’s sidebar. See how to ...
Now, a new trademark filing has revealed a new variation of the logo, giving fans something else to obsess over as they wait for more news to drop. As noticed by Portal Viciados on X, Rockstar ...
Please join us for Drupal Basics training. GC Community members must attend this required class to access the Graduate Center's content management system. Please join us for Advanced Drupal training.
The series features speakers from CUNY and beyond in the humanities and social sciences. The series takes place in a hybrid format: Please join us for Drupal Basics training. GC Community members must ...