Please enable JavaScript to read this content. Obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Kireki Omanwa. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard] Fibroids are becoming a concern among women ...
Partly due to the fact that more women are delaying childbearing, fibroids are being seen more frequently in infertility patients. Submucous myomas are strongly associated with poor fertility ...
Fibroids are becoming a concern among women of childbearing age, with fears of infertility mounting, more so among those yet to conceive. However, Dr Kireki Omanwa, an obstetrician and ...
Rarely, fibroids can interfere with fertility, and their size or location may lead to miscarriages or other pregnancy-related issues.” Given that many fibroids will go either unnoticed or ...
Evidence from small observational studies suggest that submucous fibroids may have a negative effect on reproductive performance by both distorting the endometrial cavity and possibly disrupting ...
She is the founder and owner of the Fibroid and Pelvic Wellness Center of Georgia, located in Atlanta, Georgia. Here are her tips for knowing more about your fertility health. Know Your Cycle ...
The specialist discussed what fibroids were, describing the cause, the management options, and the associated fertility issues. Despite Tina’s initial shock at the diagnosis, the conversation ...
With fibroids, I had mood swings, painful cramps, brain fog, chronic anemia, nausea, embarrassing accidents, fainting spells, and just felt miserable.” In 2020, after undergoing a myomectomy ...