Cross-linking/mass spectrometry ended decades of method developments ... The organizers had attracted some of the best emerging scientists in the field that Europe can muster.
Bruker announces the acceptance of a 1.2 GHz Ascend™ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer at the Swiss High-field NMR Facility, operated jointly by the University of Basel, ETH Zürich ...
Bruker announces the acceptance of a 1.2 GHz Ascend™ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer at the Swiss High-field NMR Facility, operated jointly by the University of Basel, ETH Zürich, and ...
Jean H. Futrell, Willis F. Harrington Professor Emeritus of Physical and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Delaware, ...
including spectrum pricing with respect to licensees intending to provide satellite-based communication services while accounting for a level-playing field telecom operators. Asked whether the ...
The Mate X6 has an incredibly powerful flagship camera system on its back, one that is quite similar to Honor Magic V3's.
Trai is set to issue recommendations on rules for satellite spectrum allocation soon. This will help in providing ...
A critical electronic warfare (EW) programme, designed to improve situational awareness for combat units within the ...
Key Recommendations Include Spectrum Sharing, Uniform Valuation, and Contiguous Block Allocation to Strengthen Rail Safety ...
Indian Railways has requested an additional 5 MHz of paired spectrum in the 700 MHz band at no cost to strengthen its safety ...