今天(10月14日 )是澳大利亚“原住民议会之声”公投失败一周年。虽然去年多数人在公投中投了反对票,但这并没有成为阻挡变革的障碍。 许多州正在推进讲述真相(truth ...
Lead researcher Tamar Hopkins poses for a photograph following a press conference, in Melbourne, Tuesday, June 27, 2023.
China's first reusable satellite returned to Earth on Friday morning and has been recovered at its predetermined landing site ...
In recent years, the Chinese government has actively promoted innovation and reform in public cultural services. Over 35,000 ...
China successfully retrieved first reusable and returnable test satellite, Shijian-19, at the Dongfeng landing site in north ...
虽然原诉指出,许多自由党部长的公开声明,都承认联邦政府对原住民面临的水危机负有责任。如原住民服务部长哈伊杜(Patty Hajdu)在2022年4月曾说:"加拿大接受政府在原住民无法获得清洁饮用水方面所扮演的角色。" ...
另一项引人注目的投资则聚焦于Power Wood Corporation,这是一家专注于高端建筑木制品生产的专业企业。Power Wood将与Squiala First ...
As a prime destination for investment and a hub of opening up, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will ...
伊什普利特·辛格·查达原题:First Indian in 10 years: Ishpreet Singh Chadha beats snooker champion Mark Selby to enter Pro semifinal at ...
此前,安省立法机构不允许使用英语和法语以外的语言进行口译和转录。马马克瓦与当时的政府众议院领袖保罗-卡兰德拉(Paul Calandra)合作,修改了规则,将加拿大境内使用的任何土著语言都包括在内。
照理说在狭窄的小巷应该是先进先出,但是货车司机却不肯让路。(截图自视频)(八打灵再也11日讯)疑似移民局货车司机鲁莽驾驶惹议,结果殃及池鱼,网民留言灌爆大马移民局的官方脸书,促移民局对付鲁莽司机并做出道歉!社交媒体近日流传一段视频,一辆私家车在驶入小 ...
Over the past three weeks, China has taken a significant step in macroeconomic regulation. During this period, Politburo and State Council executive meetings were held, along with three press ...