A WOMAN has been left fuming after discovering that her neighbours were using her home and garden as her own before she moved ...
My valiant efforts to save my veggies from the inquisitive paws of some friendly critters was a flop—so the garden is now ...
Planning permission for garden fences might not be the most glamorous of topics, but recent weeks have seen plenty of people wondering exactly how high a fence can be – and for good reason.
Wooden fences can come with a host of problems, including the appearance of small holes. Here we explore the cause of this ...
Amazon is currently selling the kit for just £21.95 - and it could save you time and money when it comes to fixing your ...
sees Samantha tour her garden and point out the troublesome fence before asking viewers to share their opinions on whether she should ask next-door to 'turn the fence round'. Explaining first ...
I have asked my nextdoor neighbour to split the repair job fifty-fifty, but he has flat out refused saying it isn't their responsibility to sort it out or pay for.
“This is the most secure way of facing fencing so there are no rails for anyone to use to climb into your garden. “This is then repeated with the neighbour on the other side to ensure that ...
One of the most common of these issues is damage to fences which can be as severe as the structure being blown away altogether. When it comes to repairing fences, one issue plaguing those ...