This article tells the story of a collaboration between two writers, Angeline and Ciarán Ó Maitiú, who reunited with local historians and genealogists to explore the legacy of the Ó Gnímh poets of ...
Watch the first Gaelic poet to be appointed Scotland's Makar read one of his poems in Gaelic and English The first Gaelic poet has been appointed as Scotland's Makar. Lewis-born Peter Mackay says ...
Dr Mackay was delighted by the welcome he was given by pupils from local Gaelic schools of poems, songs and music at the even marking his appointment. He said: "No one thinks of Edinburgh as a ...
"My great grand-uncle was a Gaelic bard. My aunt is a very good Gaelic ... Dr Mackay said the Scottish poetry scene was in “vibrant shape,” despite concerns about future funding for festivals ...