Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. ADR 1.05% $128.16B ...
Dive into the history and principles behind the Mitsubishi logo design. Infuse your brand mark with symbolism, simplicity, and adaptive consistency. As the founder of Inkbot Design, I've had the ...
A genius Star Wars Easter egg finally answers a question that's been bugging me for years - and hints at a new side of the ...
The South Korea stock market on Monday ended the two-day slide in which it had stumbled more than 80 points or 3.2 percent. The KOSPI ...
The South Korea stock market has finished lower in two straight sessions, sinking more than 80 points or 3.2 percent along the way.
这些年,泰星频频受到奢侈品牌抛来的合作橄榄枝,像是DIOR合作了《黑帮少爷爱上我》主演Mile Phakphum与Apo Nattawin;泰剧《以你的心诠释我的爱》男主角PP Krit出任Balenciaga品牌大使;Louis Vuitton ...
2024-2025韩国KB国民银行围棋联赛12月打响新赛季,推出了一系列新变革。用时缩短为每方1分钟、每步增加10秒,可谓绝无仅有的超速作战。每轮不再同时进行并下满五局,而是每盘依次开始,一方先赢三盘就结束。比赛中棋手佩戴心率手环,观众可以看到实时心 ...
Signmakers LA makes all kinds of signs, but they have become the go-to folks to fix and make vintage neon signs.
The NFL is always looking at futures, and this is about the next generation of power players in the media space, which unquestionably Netflix has become. One boxing match and a couple of NFL games on ...
最近一段时间,有很多华硕用户反映、吐槽自己遇到了这样一个问题:在电脑正常运行过程中,屏幕的右下角会突然跳出一个庆祝圣诞的小动画,请参阅图一和图二。从表面上看,这个动画并没有恶意,无伤大雅,但是问题在于这个动画的面积很大,占据了屏幕约三分之一的面积,虽 ...
IT之家 12 月 26 日消息,消息源 @NextHandheld 昨日(12 月 25 日)在 X 平台发布推文,分享了任天堂 Switch 2 游戏掌机的实物照片,引发了玩家们的广泛关注和热烈讨论。 拍摄环境类似于工作室或工厂,展示了新主机采用 U 形支架、磁吸式 Joy-Con 接口以及机身侧面的任天堂标志,消息源声称是 Switch 2 的最终零售版本。 IT之家注:部分玩家认为图片细节 ...