Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan team up for the new installment, which brings the franchise back to theaters after it found new ...
From Santa Claus at the North Pole to Narnia, these kids movies will entertain your kids over Christmas without making you want to pull your hair out.
Under two hours!? Will wonders never cease? Other than that, I have no idea what this movie is about after watching the above trailer and that, dear readers, is awesome. That’s aces. Straight magic.
It’s 2024, and The Karate Kid is finally Chinese! The upcoming film, Karate Kid: Legends, ties Cobra Kai into the cannon of ...
Sony Pictures has called three generations of fighters to the dojo by dropping the first trailer for Karate Kid: Legends.
The upcoming project continues the legacy of martial arts mentorship and rivalry in a new era of challenges and apprentices.