BEIRUT, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) reported on Sunday that two Israeli tanks destroyed the main gate of one of its positions in southern Lebanon and ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday urged the United Nations to withdraw its UNIFIL peacekeeping force from ...
(法新社贝鲁特13日电) 黎巴嫩红十字会(Lebanese Red Cross)表示,旗下救难人员今天前往该国南部支援某遇袭地点时,也遭空袭击中,数名人员因此受到轻伤。
According to the National News Agency (NNA), an Israeli airstrike targeted a three-story residential building in the town of ...
BEIRUT, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- Lebanese leaders on Wednesday renewed the country's commitment to the joint U.S.-French call for an immediate ceasefire, and agreed to initiate steps to implement UN Securit ...
黎巴嫩外交部长布哈比(Abdallah Bou Habib)周四(3)在接受《CNN》採访时表示,真主党前领袖纳斯拉勒(Hassan Nasrallah)在被以色列空袭身亡前同意与以色列达成停火协议,并且通知了美国和法国代表。综合土耳其媒 ...
以色列军方星期四 (10月3日)紧急警告黎巴嫩南部20多个城镇和村庄的居民立即从他们的家中撤离到北部地区,以躲避危险。与此同时,以军继续推进打击真主党的地面行动。 以色列国防军的阿拉伯语发言人阿维切·阿德拉伊 (Avichay ...
以色列持续攻打真主党(Hezbollah),中东紧张情势不断升高之际,却传出美国共和党总统候选人川普和这黎巴嫩武装组织扯上关系。综合外电10日报导,川普小女儿蒂芬妮(Tiffany Trump)的公公马萨德‧布罗斯(Massad Bo ...
epa11614385 Smoke rises after an Israeli shelling hit the Khiyam town near the Lebanese-Israeli border in southern Lebanon, ...
卫报11日在贝鲁特市中心倒塌的公寓大厦废墟中发现美制联合直接攻击弹药(JDAM)炸弹碎片。JDAM是由波音公司研发的导引套件,可附加900公斤“非导引炸弹”(dumb bomb),将其转化为可进行精准导引打击的武器。