The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) on Sunday hailed the election of the sixth-term chief executive of the Macao SAR as "pioneering ...
The Governments of Hong Kong and Macao introduce the ‘Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (‘HZMB’) Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme’ (the ‘Macao PnR Scheme’). Eligible Hong Kong non-commercial private car ...
Ontem, na abertura do Ano Judiciário de 2024/2025, defendeu-se a “modernização” do sistema jurídico da RAEM, nomeadamente para que acompanhe o desenvo ...
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卫星入轨后,遥测参数正常,太阳翼、天线均展开正常,发射任务获得圆满成功。 “神启号”是张掖星座空间科技有限公司SAR卫星星座系统的首发星,卫星质量为285kg,最高分辨率1m,关键技术指标达到国际先进水平,并具备业务化重轨InSAR干涉成像能力 ...
along with fluttering national flags and Hong Kong SAR flags, created a vibrant "China Red" atmosphere for the 75 th National Day celebrations. On Salisbury Road and Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui , ...
澳门位于中国东南沿海的珠江三角洲,在东经113°35’,北纬22°14’,与东北偏东的香港相约六十公里。 澳门由澳门半岛(9.3平方公里)、氹仔(7.9平方公里)、路环(7.6平方公里)、路氹填海区(6.1平方公里)、新城A区(1.4平方公里)、新城C区(0.3平方公里 ...
农融会见香港特区政府律政司司长林定国一行 10月10日上午,国务院港澳事务办公室副主任农融在北京会见香港特区政府律政司司长林定国... 10-10 / 2024 农融会见香港特区政府律政司司长林定国一行 2024-10-10 周霁会见香港特区政府医务卫生局局长卢宠茂一行 2024-09 ...