Madagascar is an animated film series produced by DreamWorks Animation. Voices of Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock and David Schwimmer are featured in the films. The plot follows the ...
Experts have issued an urgent warning about rogue drivers using "ghost plates" and other deceptive tactics to evade speed cameras and traffic enforcement across the UK. Around one in 15 motorists are ...
Bingo is another popular option for New Year’s Eve, as well as any type of “minute to win it” game — such as transferring ...
Showing off your allegiances is great but not if you want to be offensive. Here are some of the top plates rejected by the censors. So you're proud of your car and want to make it your own - right ...
Subscribe to our FREE Newsletter, or Telegram and WhatsApp channels for the latest stories and updates. The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has announced that ANU is the next number plate series to go ...
JPJ has announced that ANU and JXP are the next number plate series to go up for bidding on its online auction platform, JPJ eBid. Perak’s latest running number series is ‘ANU’, and it will ...
PUNCH Online reported on Tuesday that following the directive banning vehicles without number plates and the use of tinted glasses, no fewer than 296 vehicles had been impounded in FCT. Deborah Sanusi ...
If your number plates have been damaged, defaced, lost or stolen, you can do one of the following: apply to have your number plates remade - you will receive an exact copy apply for a new set of ...
The authorities issued the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the new registration plates on Wednesday, a day before the new Maharashtra government led by Devendra Fadnavis was sworn in. To curb ...
The illegal 3D and 4D 'ghost plates' reflect light, concealing the plate to skirt detection. Now, police forces are arming themselves with advanced cameras capable of spotting these deceptive devices.
Florida law requires approved specialty plates to be discontinued if the number of registrations for them drops below 3,000 for at least 12 consecutive months. Here's what to know. If you've ...
Nagpur: Motorists, get ready to shell out some extra money as Maharashtra govt has made high security registration plates (HSRP) mandatory for all vehicles registered before April 1, 2019.