The original Gundam was first introduced in the 1979 anime and is a state of the art mobile suit of the Earth Federation Forces. Piloted by Amuro Ray, this mobile suit represents the Earth ...
Originating with Mobile Suit Gundam in 1979, it explores complex themes of war, politics, and humanity through the struggles of pilots who navigate these massive machines. The franchise spans ...
The RX-78-2 Gundam is a fictional manned robot (mecha), introduced in 1979 in Yoshiyuki Tomino's and Sunrise's anime series Mobile Suit Gundam. In the series, it is a prototype weapon for the Earth ...
Bandai Namco, Sunrise, and Studio Khara have announced Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX, the next new anime in the Mobile Suit Gundam series. The anime will be airing on TV networks in Japan, and a ...