When Mobile Suit Gundam first debuted in the late 1970s, it featured the main character Amuro, a member of the Earth Federation that just so happened to find himself piloting one of the universe’s ...
Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX (Japanese: 機動戦士 GUNDAM (ガンダム) ジークアクス, Hepburn: Kidō Senshi Gandamu Jīkuakusu) is an upcoming anime series jointly produced by Sunrise and Studio Khara. It is billed as the ...
RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Queenly] is a massive 131ft Mecha with upgraded firepower. MRX-009 Psycho Gundam is a 131ft behemoth designed for Newtype control. GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam towers at 184ft and ...