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大埔发生堕楼案。今日(22日)凌晨4时半,警方接获富善邨善美楼保安报案,指发现一名男子倒卧大厦对开。人员接报到场,男事主昏迷被送往那打素医院抢救,其后被证实死亡。人员经初步调查,相信姓何(39岁)男子从善美楼一单位堕下。警方于现场没有检获遗书。死因有 ...
冬至前夕,上水太平邨嫲孙堕楼双亡悲剧,震惊全港。消息指,47岁女死者与母亲、儿子及1岁孙儿,四代同堂同住区内祥龙围邨一单位,虽然女死者有欠债问题,居住的单位门外近日安装了闭路电视,但一直未有人上门追数及淋红油,亦未有向社署求助,疑最近对生活感旁徨,近 ...
今午 (22日)近2时半,一名姓陈 ...
葵涌有人上吊。今晨 (21日)11时08分,安荫邨耀荫楼有住户发现一名男子在梯间以尼龙绳上吊。救援人员接报到场,消防将事主解下,姓观 (82岁)事主昏迷被送往仁济医院治理,其后被证实死亡。警员于现场没有检获遗书。事主死因有待验尸后确定。
i have marked them in red circle its 174,31 Do the same thing for lower right corner as shown in the below image and note the coordinates somewhere. When all this is done you can openup ...
The car maker Henry Ford knew what quality is: "Quality means doing it right when no one is looking." This attitude is everywhere within Technolution: we are highly motivated to deliver quality. But ...