Lying unconscious on a bed before him was Shinji Aoba, accused of murder and other crimes in an arson attack at a Kyoto Animation Co. studio on July 18, 2019. Thirty-six people were killed and 32 ...
In a ninth installment of ‘Evergreens’ from his bookshelf, Muhammad Ali Siddiqi remembers books about wars that defined the Published 15 Dec, 2024 09:23am ...
Nov. 25, 2024 — Women who suffer severe complications during their first pregnancy or delivery are less inclined to have more babies, a study reports. Given the recent steady decline in birth ...
Popeye was popular when he appeared in the 1929 cartoon "Timble Theater" by American cartoonist E.C. Seager, and four years later, in 1933, he was also made into a theatrical animation. Ddang is the ...