西红角鸮(學名:Otus scops,英語:Eurasian Scops Owl、Common Scops Owl,台湾作歐亞角鴞),是鴞形目鴟鴞科角鴞屬下的一種鳥類。這個物種在4—6月之間於歐洲及亞洲的開闊或半開闊地區繁殖;8—11月時則南遷至撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲過冬,但也有一些個體會留在南歐 ...
Residents at Longridge Hall Care Home were visited by Lancashire Owl Experience (Image: Supplied) Steve Harper, owner of the ...
Lancashire care home residents were treated to a 'hoot' of a day when they were visited by some feathered friends recently.
If the illegal gold mining activities in Sangihe remain unchallenged, it will encourage and embolden the collusion and ...
Milson Kaitora’s grandparents never had trouble finding water to grow food here on Enggano Island. But today, coastal ...
This is one of Hong Kong’s eight owl species, and is probably the most well-known, after a family of Collared scops owls was spotted near a playground in Wong Tai Sin in May. However ...
The stylish 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom townhouse in the highly desirable Oukraal Estate offers convenience and peace of mind with double security. The townhouse boasts a spacious, open-plan layout with a ...