Sheheryar Munawar and Maheen Siddiqui celebrated their upcoming wedding with a grand qawwali night hosted by Salman Iqbal and Sonya Khan. The couple stunned in outfits by Mohsin Naveed Ranjha ...
From Qawwali performances to theatre festivals, the month-long celebration promises something for everyone. These events, held across districts and major cities, aim to bring art and culture to ...
The couple, known for their impressive careers, hosted a qawwali night as part of their wedding festivities, which was attended by close family and friends. The bride, Maheen Siddiqui, stunned ...
BENGALURU: In a world that often feels fragmented, art serves as a bridge to something greater – a higher power of sorts. Few art forms encapsulate this transce ...
This project reflects my original style, blending Indian instruments with Qawwali-inspired hooks. That’s the essence of Reversion for you. The EP features genres like Afro and Indie Pop, along with a ...